Easter Sunday this year was very interesting for me. I spent a long time in the morning contemplating what Easter means to me and what I would like to teach Erin. I thought about the Passover and its types of Christ, and what we can learn from the experiences of the Children of Israel.
I then thought about the last week of the Savior's life, as he was betrayed by a beloved friend, and found guilty of crimes He was innocent of, tortured, beaten, ridiculed, and finally put to death at the demand of those who should have loved him most. I thought about what His sacrifice means to me personally. I thought about all those things that I have done in my life that I wished I hadn't, the hurt and pain and grief caused by my actions, the actions of others, and by mere circumstance, and how through it all I was able to find strength in the knowledge that there was one Person who has been there, who has experienced it all, and who has made it possible to wash it all away.
I am so grateful that He has done what He has for me.
I'd like to share the lyrics to my favorite hymn, just because they're so beautiful and they mean so much to me.
O Savior, thou who wearest a crown of piercing thorn,
the pain thou meekly bearest, weighed down 'mid shame and scorn.
The soldiers mock and flail thee, for drink they gave thee gall;
Upon the cross they nail thee, to die, O King of All.
No creature is so lowly, no sinner so depraved,
but feels they presence holy and through thy love is saved.
Though craven friends betray thee, they feel thy love's embrace.
The very foes who slay thee have access to they grace.
Thy sacrifice transcended the mortal law's demand;
thy mercy is extended to every time and land.
No more can Satan harm us, though long the fight may be,
nor fear of death alarm us. We live, O Lord, through thee.
What praises can we offer to thank thee, Lord most high?
In our place thou didst suffer; in our place thou didst die,
by Heaven's plan appointed to ransom us, our King.
O Jesus, the anointed, to thee our love we bring!